Thank you for your ongoing support !
It was Mark Twain who stated: “It is difference of opinion that makes horse races.” There is nothing wrong with good discussion and a free flow exchange of ideas. What appears to be absent in today’s society is the ability to engage in good discussion and free flowing exchanges of ideas without beginning, written in this case, escalation of adversarial insults, rude and non-productive swipes at another’s views. Let’s do something quite different in this chat room and among your colleagues who, like you, have come forward and paid to help support the work I have been allowed to perform. Let’s engage in fine critical thinking about the problems of the day, the problems and assaults facing our exceptional nation. Let’s have some good ole’ horse races in this chat room in which we all can smile and walk away feeling like we have learned something.
I have given permission to the moderator to contact you if improper behavior, rudeness, profanity of the street, personal belittlement, or anything else that hampers the free flowing conversations I want to encourage in this “safe environment.” If warranted, you will be removed and blocked from re-entering. I believe we can enjoy good discussions and fun debates without trashing another – or worse! Please join me in this endeavor so this will be a safe and inviting area for an incredible exchange of thoughts and views. Thank you ever so much for your support and trust, for making this site better for your having been here.
Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
Host and Commentator
I tithe ten percent of all donations to the following organizations:
Phoenix Rescue Mission, Operation Exodus, Bibes for Israel, The Joshua Fund.
Refund Policy
If for whatever reason you choose to discontinue your support for Arizona2day; first thank you for your kindness and support to date. Second, just discontinue and you will still have access to my site just not the Premium section.
What you have contributed to date will be employed to keep the lights on and cameras rolling. No refund shall be forthcoming.