Arizona Today, 3 October 2024 – Part II – Dr. Jerome Corsi, Hon. Mark Finchem, Dr. Karladine Graves
Doctors Corsi and Graves and Honorable Finchem continue the discussion of election fraud in Arizona and other battleground States using algorithms.
Doctors Corsi and Graves and Honorable Finchem continue the discussion of election fraud in Arizona and other battleground States using algorithms.
Commentary And Personal Remarks by: Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.Host and CommentatorSeptember the 29th, 2024 The continuous cacophony from socialist Democrats, Marxists, and Establishment Republicans that
Commentary And Personal Remarks by: Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.Host and CommentatorSeptember the 23rd, 2024 The below mentioned link will take you to a press conference
Our Forefathers gave an incredible gift to We the People! Ever so slowly, almost invisibly, the gifts our founders fought and died for have been
I have been privileged to advise many elected officials, not solely in Arizona. I have been behind the curtain, so to speak, providing counsel and
The national podcast mentioned below is Part II of a report quietly under investigation over the past year and a half. The content of both
Mentioned below is Part I of a two-part podcast addressing a national investigation into money laundering, child sex trafficking, payoffs to political officials, judges and
Among the many changes occurring in our country the ability and freedom to laugh at ourselves has quickly become a victim of a dastardly disease
I am excited to share that my quick reading book is now available at these locations: Barnes N Noble Amazon Walmart Books A Million (BAM)
Mr. Jerome Corsi, Harvard Ph.d and prolific best-selling author and Honorable Finchem discuss election fraud in Arizona and other battleground States using algorithms.
Superintendent Horne answers questions from educators, parents and a Board of Supervisors member and he believes schools should only teach academics.
Honorable Finchem and Boone Cutler are attending the Criminal Trial of Tina Peters, Clerk of Mesa County Colorado in Grand Junction. Mr. Cutler is a