Arizona Today
Picture of Dr Lyle Rapacki

Dr Lyle Rapacki

Arizona Today, 31 January 2025 – Real Reason Trump is Under Attack



By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
Host and Commentator
January the 31st, 2025

Slowly but steadily, the American people awoke to the reality that they had not been merely misled but deliberately deceived, and the leader they found in Donald Trump back in 2016 was not hesitant to say so! Furthermore, Trump was not timid exposing the deliberate deception and tools implementing such, but also the makers and purveyors of the tools being used. The establishment cabal immediately went to work with the goal that Trump was not reelected in 2020. While it appeared their diabolical scheme and agenda worked, I believe God allowed a recess until 2024 so We The People could come to terms with the heinous assaults unleashed against our exceptional nation by numerous public officials and their puppet masters. A combination of dumbing down Americans especially those working in various federal and state positions could take place most seductively through our lack of education, as well as pushing political and social philosophy altering critical thinking and knowledge of solid history and founding principles.

The intelligence community (18 different agencies), big corporations and a small but significant number of very wealthy globalists control much of the workings in government. President Trump has steadily demonstrated how many layers deep the control goes. Marxist Democrats hate Trump! Establishment Republicans may be mild about most issues including defending and supporting President Trump’s plans to limit government. But they appear more adamant against President Trump from removing those who work against constitutional freedoms. These DC insiders bought into the DC Uniparty Club (Sen Mitch McConnell) is a prime example.

The U.S. Constitution can only defend the public to the extend the public defends and preserves the Constitution. Trump removing all who illegally invaded our nation is a prime example of doing the right thing, the constitutional thing, even amongst the threats and shouts by Marxists, ill-informed office holders, defiant office holders, and academically ignorant individuals. The issue of “birthright” within these illegals is a prime example of such ignorance, and in many cases, absolute counter constitutional beliefs and agendas. Playing on sympathy and various emotions of good intentioned Americans on the subject of babies born in America from an illegal entry by their birth mother, is a prime example of circumventing our national sovereignty and founding principle in the U.S. Constitution. Trump is taking the slings and arrows standing up for the Rule of Law and the preservation of our sacred founding Constitution. Here is the truth about birthright citizenship Trump is defending.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” The wording makes it clear that persons born in the U.S. but subject to the jurisdiction of another country, are NOT American citizens. Babies born to foreign nationals who are subject to the jurisdiction of Mexico are Mexican citizens, because they, like their parents, are subject to the jurisdiction of Mexico – NOT the United States.

The Fourteenth Amendment was one of the Civil War amendments passed to ensure the equal protection under the law of former slaves. All the babies born to these people were, according to the law, born subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States, because their parents – although enslaved – were subject to the jurisdiction of those same laws. Ex-slaves were, therefore, recognized as natural -born or naturalized U.S. citizens, according to the plain wording of the Fourteenth Amendment. The authors of the amendment never intended to reward childbearing criminal aliens, who broke into the country unlawfully, by permitting their offspring to be considered rightful citizens of the United States. The fact that socialist Democrats and Republican public office holders chose not to defend this portion of the constitution does not make this portion of the constitution null and void.

Remember what I wrote above: “The Constitution can only defend the public to the extent the public defends and preserves the Constitution.”

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