Picture of Dr Lyle Rapacki

Dr Lyle Rapacki

Arizona Today, 26 February 2025 – The American People Have Spoken

The American People have spoken
Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

A once in a lifetime political season is unfolding before our eyes. A most successful businessman, Donald Trump, sought the presidency and won in 2016. The horror of that event was simply too much for the political elites, globalists and haters of America to handle, and they set about making darn sure it could not be repeated…and through sophisticated means, they appeared successful…But God!

Over several years it did seem that Donald J. Trump’s venture into the Oval Office was a mere fluke, and once again the diabolical elements of darkness in politics and the global network had won and could move onward to fulfill their evil agenda. The collapse of the United States into the New-World Order had all but been implemented with Trump a mere memory. The evil agenda would be achieved. Then came 2024 and the prayers of the people across America, and even the world, continued to beseech the Lord to give this unusual and imperfect man another chance; to give America another opportunity to return as close as possible to our founding principles. Two assassination attempts, legal actions, more slander and aggressive character assassination did not work. Make America Great Again rang out from small towns to even large and historically liberal cities. It was becoming evident that Americans had had enough! Enough of the socialism, deviancy, depravity, disrespect to our values and principles so loyally fought for and defended. Enough of the elites and their chosen acolytes profiting in every way imaginable, and to hell with the rest of America. Enough!

But God…and raising UP a Trump who never, ever needed the position in the Oval for self-aggrandizement. Corrupt elites in elected office and throughout government along with long standing media propaganda platforms are committed, one to another, to obscure the truth. The insidious teamwork of these evil folks and their mind-numbed worker bees basically picked up where they left off in 2020. The RINOs, entrenched bureaucrats, Washington, DC fraternity and their socialist, globalist handlers set off again to discredit and defeat Donald Trump once again. Four years out of office, taking the time to develop a solid, hit the ground running on day one program, and reinforcing his true beliefs to make America Great Again found receptive hearts and voices across America. Ignoring the will of the people, the DC crowd and globalist aligners cannot make heads or tails out of what is happening before their eyes. Look at this recent poll conducted by Harvard/Harris:

Deporting immigrants who are here illegally and have committed crimes – YES 81% NO 19%

Full-scale effort to find and eliminate fraud and waste in government – YES 76% NO 24%

Closing the border and discourage illegal crossings – YES 76% NO 24%

Banning men who had operations to become female from girl sports – YES 69% NO 31%

Declaring there are only two genders male and female – YES 68% NO 32%

Eliminating all preferences of race in hiring – YES 65% NO 35%

Freeze and reevaluate all foreign spending – YES 61% NO37%

Cutting government spending even allocated by Congress – YES 59% NO 41%

Ending bans on offshore drilling – YES 57% NO 43%

The American people have spoken in strong support of President Trump. But do you think that matters to the RINOs, DC fraternity, globalists and socialists in our country? NO! Continue to speak UP loud and clear America. The fight to save this exceptional nation is far from over, and it is still very, very critical to have WE the PEOPLE not silent or passive but willing to stand strong, loud and clear that we want our exceptional nation back in rightful order, a gift given to us as Benjamin Franklin said, “If we would keep it.”


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