Picture of Dr Lyle Rapacki

Dr Lyle Rapacki

Arizona Today 09/28/2022 – Shofar of Warning – The Swiftly Coming Change

Prescott, Arizona 86301
Wednesday –
September the 28th, 2022
Hebraic Year 5783

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel, therefore hear a word from
My mouth, and give them warning from Me” (Ezekiel 3:17).
The role of a watchman is to warn and teach.
During April 2022, the Lord moved me to begin combining secular political intelligence with
words from Him, as to the very sobering changes about to occur across America. This was a
tedious process with details I could not fully understand. Many days were spent reviewing
what I had been given. Many hours I petitioned the Lord for clarification over a simple
sentence, much less an entire paragraph of material. A couple of times I simply threw up my
hands and cried out to the Lord, “give this to someone else…let someone more refined, more
learned in your ways and spends more time in your Word and in dedicated prayer take
whatever is to be the message, and let them give it – you did not make me a Prophet!” The
weight of some knowledge was heavy, my sleep was interrupted, days were filled pondering
time lines, words and complete paragraphs I had read a dozen times. Then I became aware of
two dedicated prophets of the Lord whose messages were similar to what I had been
struggling with, but they had a strong spiritual dimension which helped me make some
additional sense of what I had been gathering. The Lord graciously but firmly shared the
following one night as I attempted to sleep. He said, “I have called you to blow the Shofar of
Warning to those who will listen. I have called you, prepared you all your years, and all your
experiences for a time such as this. Continue to seek my clarification for that which I AM about
to bring. There will be many who will not hear you…others who will simply find your warning
outside their comfort zone so they will choose to remain ignorant which will prove a serious
mistake. I AM calling My Remnant. I AM bringing a sword of division which will cut into the
works of the enemy who thinks he has accomplished a great coup. The church is not only
asleep but has chosen the ways of the world. I AM calling My Remnant who are prepared to
humble themselves, repent and seek My face, My ways, and submit to Me and trust Me with
their tomorrow. Son of man, I have called you, you are a watchman in My service and to My
people. I shall give you everything you need to analyze and decipher what needs to be
forewarned…I AM faithful to those who come unto Me. I always forewarn when I AM moving
to discipline or punish so people everywhere have a choice to follow Me…or not!”
Nehemiah tells us, “But we prayed to our God and posted a guard” (Nehemiah 4:9). Joel
shouted, “Sound the alarm in Jerusalem! Let the blast of the warning trumpet be heard upon
my holy mountain! Let everyone tremble in fear, for the day of the Lord’s judgement
approaches” (Joel 2:1).

Adonai (Lord – Deuteronomy 6:4; God alone is head over all) is forewarning that two economies
are clashing and about to clash even far more significantly than any of us have ever seen. The
economy of evil and the economy of the Lord of lords and King of kings. God’s economy
(government) is far different than we have ever seen or experienced. It is an economy of order
(Isaiah 33:22). We, as a nation, no longer know how to govern with Godly authority; how to
submit to Godly authority. God intended this Land named America to be His visible
government on earth. We have turned far from this, and no longer even pretend to have a
government patterned after God’s Word as our Forefathers prescribed, much less carried-out
in a natural form of earthly government. The church at-large is likewise barely an image of
what the Lord intended. It is mired in old ways and methods – old wine skins not capable of
changing to confront the new season of chaos about to unfold. The church has spent
considerable time (decades) and energy listening to the political pundits rather than the
counsel of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is a form of warfare, and yet the preponderant majority of
those who identify as Christian have no training in this critical activity. So when the forces of
darkness and chaos are set loose, come to assault or even influence any who call themself
Christian, they are sorely ill prepared in tactics and poorly equipped to sustain in the form of
prayer necessary to meet this enemy.

In one manner or form the church at-large has grown inept. Those who do not know the Lord
as their personal Savior see no compelling reason to turn from their wicked ways, humble
themselves, repent and ask the Lord to grant them a new life in Him, a new freedom in Him the
world cannot grant. They see little difference between themselves and those who claim to be
Christians. While the non-Believer may hear a different vocabulary coming from the church
goer, they see little to no fruit from Christians compelling them to follow in the footsteps of the
true Shepherd, the Lord God Himself.
What is about to unfold is the sword of the Lord coming down to bring purposeful division – in
government, in churches, among people everywhere, among families. An opportunity is being
given for each person not facing punishment to decide who they shall follow, and not
according to man or church but pursuant to God’s Word. In the same breath, the plans of the
evil one carried-out by so-named leaders shall not prevail! For the government of man has
forsaken the Creator of Government, the Lord God Himself. The whirlwind of chastening and
punishment, a whirlwind of cleaning and purging, of separating that which is not purged, a
whirlwind deliberate to pull apart the wheat from the Schaff is about to be released by the Lord
God Himself!

Who can stand against this whirlwind? Who can prevail against the fire of the Lord bringing
sobering discipline, and in many circles punishment? Who can stand against the fury of the
Creator of the Universe who has announced His severe annoyance against those who have
come against Him and come against His people who have stood as true witnesses; not the
mere attendees who simply use His name? Prepare to see the Lord God Almighty who guards
those who search for protection under the shadow of His wings and who willingly walk in His
ways. It is the Lord God Almighty who knows His own by name. Wake-up church! Wake-up
mere pretenders! To those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, also awake and draw nigh
to the Lord before the storm arrives. Learn now as the First-Century Believers carefully learned
to come unto the Lord and submit (cooperate) with His plans for your life, not your drafted
plans: “This plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither are my thoughts the same as
yours! For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours,
and my thoughts than yours“ (Isaiah 55:8-9).
So I sound the Shofar of Warning! Draw close all who have ears to hear and eyes to see…
draw close and wait upon the Lord. For the Lord is sending you a warning from his Prophets
and Watchmen. Take this warning to heart. Take this warning to your knees and seek the Lord
for His confirmation that what you have just read, and what you are about to hear is from Him;
the Lord God Almighty! Then consider the counsel of Nehemiah I quoted above – pray
fervently and prepare as the Lord gives you insight and direction. Please watch the following
7-minute 38-second message accessing the link below:

A Bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Lyle –
LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D. has provided intelligence and threat assessment papers and briefings
to elected and law enforcement officials across the country since 2010, on matters addressing
threats to our national sovereignty. He has coordinated six Joint Legislative Public Hearings for
members of the Arizona Legislature including two national hearings addressing the Voter Fraud
in the 2020 Election. He hosts a pod-cast show called ARIZONA TODAY seen nationally by 1.4
million viewers. He also writes nationally distributed commentary.

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